The Breakaway by Jennifer Weiner

“Life hurts. It’s full of heartache, loss, and disappointment, and even the best things come salted with sorrow. But you can’t leave yourself open to the good things - happiness, true love, real connection - if you aren’t willing to risk being hurt.”

This one had a lot of unexpected things in the story. In a weird way, it was not the ending I expected. It wasn’t the happily ever after either. The way this book ended left me dangling off a cliff. And intermixed in the story were a lot of quotes that stuck with me. The one I started this review with was near the end, nestled in the final pages.

This book’s main theme changes, but biking surrounds just about every aspect of the storyline as it unfolds and develops. I could also identify a lot with Abby in more ways than one as she tries to navigate dating and getting boys to see interest in her beyond her physical qualities. This book was also a great lesson in self-confidence and the insecurities that can occur too.

With the way this one ended in a bit of a cliffhanger, I really want more! I closed the book wanting so much more. So I will be waiting to see if more happens.