Beyond the Wand by Tom Felton

Attention Potterheads! Calling all witches and wizards! I had a little bit of a fangirling moment…or multiple moments…when I was reading this biography. I don’t read biographies very often, mostly because they usually aren’t of huge interest to me. But sometimes I do and then they blow me away.

Harry Potter was one of my obsessions growing up. I knew, and still know, an insane amount of Potter trivia and I follow a lot of the stars on social media. When I saw Tom was writing and releasing a biography, it caught my attention. When I saw the title, it became a book I knew I’d want to read at some point. Like many people thrown into the limelight for one reason or another, there’s a behind-the-scenes look the rest of us don’t see. Tom is no exception.

I’ve always seen Tom as Draco Malfoy, but after reading his biography, I got a totally new glimpse into his life. While he was in the role of a major character, he wasn’t a main character, so he still had life in between shooting film scenes. And a lot of normal life, real people things happened in those times. It makes the readers realize he is still a normal human and not just a movie star. This was a great biography to read.