Meet Me at the Lake by Carley Fortune

This is one of those charming summer lake reads, but I got to it as an early fall read. This book is popular right now, and after reading it, it’s easy to see why.

This is my first time reading a novel by Carley Fortune, but right away it struck me how easy her writing style is. Her language allows the reader to easily follow the storyline, but also allows the reader to immerse themselves in the story. During the novel, Fortune bounces back and forth between present day and a time nine or ten years ago, mostly all around the same day: June 14. As the book progresses, the two times collide in a way that was one I predicted, but also had some unexpected content.

Throughout the story, I enjoyed how the characters interacted with each other as they taught each other lessons and kept one another on the path of what would matter most in the end. Fern and Will, two of the main characters, were definitely my favorites. Each came to the story with different past experiences that ended up providing some commonality as they grew closer.

Like many of my past reviews, I recommend this book to all readers!