Saving Grace by Kimberly Bain

When I picked up Saving Grace, I had no idea what I was in store for. At the beginning of the story, we are introduced to Grace as a young girl and we slowly watch her life progress.

Honestly, Grace is my favorite character because of the way I express empathy. She starts with a rough childhood and examples of what love, marriage and companionship should look like. Unfortunately for Grace, growing up with that life led to difficulties in figuring out who she wanted to be and what she wanted to accomplish.

Throughout the book, I kept thinking “now things will get better for her,” but then something else major would happen. I loved how the book kept me guessing, and how I reacted to each new hardship. One thing I found myself wishing for was a longer time spent on each “chapter” of her life, as some were very brief and only contained a few snippets.

Two other characters that come to mind as prominent were Mama and Grace’s dad William. With Mama, I loved how she gave Grace something she couldn’t find at home - love, attention and a piece of her heart. I also loved the unexpected twist of Mama coming back into Grace’s life later on. With William, I was impressed at the change of character. In the beginning, you could tell as a reader that Grace was his favorite child, but he also didn’t give Grace the things she most desperately needed as a young kid. But slowly, you see his influence change and by the end, Grace’s relationship with him is as great as it could have ever been.

Overall, I was impressed with the book and its storyline. If you want a story that will keep you guessing, go check out Saving Grace.