Pack Up The Moon by Kristan Higgins

In this upcoming release, Kristan Higgins addresses all of the tough aspects in a life of newlyweds Josh and Lauren, starting with unexpected terminal illness and stemming into preparing for a life of widowhood.

I fell deeply in love with each of the characters and their role in this story of life, death and rediscovering, but my favorite aspect of the book was watching Josh work through life after Lauren. Her letters, written before her death but given to Josh each month of the first year after she is gone, play a key role in Josh’s grief and growth. Kristan portrayed the blandest and the ugliest aspects of grief through Josh and it broke my heart and moved me to tears and then pieced my heart back together with the love and acceptance of friends and family. Josh also began to find himself in each of the requested tasks in Lauren’s letters, pushing him out of his comfort zone with small things and great life-changing experiences.

I also extremely enjoyed the love Lauren and Josh shared, especially when it became apparent that Lauren’s time would be limited. They lived and experienced so many things together that truly provided great memories for Josh to look back on.

I anticipate that Pack Up The Moon will be one of the greatest novels to hit shelves this summer. Check out Kristan Higgins’ newest novel, a romantic, yet heartbreaking journey of love, life and overcoming, set for release June 8, 2021.