Dreamland by Nicholas Sparks
I always love a good classic Nicholas Sparks! He is such a good romance writer and typically has twists and turns to add spice and depth. And this one just tugged at me.
Meet Colby, an inspired wanna-be musician stuck in his life on the family farm. Somewhere in the context prior to the beginning of our time with him, he takes a couple weeks from the farm to play gigs in a beachside Florida dive. Cue his life change.
In comes Morgan, who approaches Colby with curiosity. She sees his performance one night and from there, things develop and flourish.
During majority of the book, we also have another side story going on with Beverly and her son, Tommie. Both are on the run to escape abuse and we follow their journey. Until Beverly’s story intersects with Colby and Morgan. The collision of the two stories was, for me, unexpected. But it added so much to the depth of the story. I loved it!
The end of the story also provided SO MUCH DEPTH! Usually I have some good closure when I finish a Nicholas Sparks book, but man! Now I need a sequel! I need to know what happens with Colby and Morgan, as well as with the family farm.
Definitely a 4.5 ⭐️s! Teetering on 5! Go get this one!