The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel

I always love diving into a good historical fiction read, especially when it surrounds European World War II time. This book is one I have heard a lot of good things about, so when I got my hands on it, I got excited. And it really did live up to the hype.

The book places the reader in Paris as the war is ramping up, and there we meet Eva. Throughout the story, she tests her Jewish beliefs in the face of saving others, experiences profound love and loss and truly finds her bravery and courage over and over again. I loved the depth Kristin put into her character and into her interactions with others. The further the story goes, the more Eva is willing to put her own life on the line for others. I also loved the occasional parts of the story where we fast-forward to 2005 Eva and we get a glimpse into how her life changed after the war. There is also another storyline involved with that time period, and the intersection with the WWII story comes together beautifully.

I knew this story was not a romance, but I LOVE that Kristin intertwined a good love story in here too. The romance component of the story actually started out a little bit complex, as Eva thought she loved this man, but had been encouraged not to due to religious differences, but common interest throughout the war. Once she realized her feelings, it was too late. Was she given a second chance in war-stricken times when the enemy pulled them apart? I’ll let you read the book to find out the answer to that one.

This is definitely a 5-star read for me. I recommend to anyone who wants a good historical fiction book in their hands!