Must Love Flowers by Debbie Macomber

Debbie Macomber has long been one of my favorite authors, and I love the way she writes. It has been quite some time (about 6 months) since I have read a book by her, so I took some time. It also helped I was gifted this book for Christmas. Debbie is never one to disappoint.

The characters and the growth in this book are stellar! Maggie is one of the characters I resonate with most. She is trying to overcome so much and obtain her own goals, but stumbles as her father encounters major medical issues due to alcoholism and then Maggie feels she needs to do more to support him. Through this process, she begins to lose some of the things that matter most to her, but they find a way of coming back to her. The ways in which the readers can see her work through the process of this and become stronger on the other side is great!

Joan is the first character we meet in this story, and she is overcome with grief and using the COVID-19 pandemic as her crutch to keep to herself. Until one day, she decides to make a change completely out of character for herself. Her two sons, conflicted with how to best help, end up pushing Joan towards change as well. Throughout the story, Joan’s transformation is truly remarkable and she is a completely different character by the end.

While Debbie provided a couple pages worth of an epilogue, this is definitely one I want a sequel for. I want to know more about Nick and Maggie, Joan and Phil…and what comes next for Steve and Zoe. Steve is a character that bopped in and out of this story, but I would love to see more of him if Debbie does write a sequel.

As always with Debbie Macomber books, I definitely recommend this one.