11/22/63 by Stephen King

Ok…wow! This was my first ever Stephen King book and I. Am. Hooked! This was definitely a 5-star read for me, and I don’t hand those out very often. I can already tell that this book will stick with me for a long, long time and it will likely be a book I will be rereading in the future.

I was constantly wanting to flip pages and keep going. For a good portion of this book, I couldn’t wait until my next available free time to keep reading. I was reading on lunch breaks, often not giving myself enough time to eat, as well as reading way late into the night and sacrificing my sleep. There are some books that I can somewhat predict or foresee what is going to happen next, but King kept me guessing. And then tied it all up at the end with a scene I was not really expecting.

I really loved the character development I saw in Jake/George as the story progressed, and how much his character changed. I also loved King’s attention to detail throughout every scene and situation. His language was very descriptive and it made it easy to visualize.

I also enjoyed the elements of history throughout all of this. I studied history, specifically American history, in college. I knew the JFK assassination piece of this story would be part of the reason for getting hooked on this story, but there were so many layers and elements to King’s story that made me imagine how history could truly be changed if someone were to go back in time and change anything, from a major event down to buying something like a loaf of bread.

Also me, sitting over here…waiting for a sequel. What happens next with Jake in the Land of Now?! Come on, King! Write some more!

5 ⭐️ review! 10/10 recommend! Run (not walk) as fast as you can to go pick up this gem!