Hey Harry, Hey Matilda by Rachel Hulin

Let me just start by saying I did not like the format of this story. The whole book is letters/emails back and forth between Harry and Matilda, two siblings. And the format made it really hard for me to stick with the book. The first 50 pages were really slow for me and I did almost give up. BUT I did connect enough with the story 50 pages in to keep going.

I felt like this story lacked a lot of character development and setting, largely because of the format. The storyline ended up being pretty good and I was able to see some of the development in the later parts of the book. For me, that just came a little too late and then I was left wanting more. The book ended in quite a cliffhanger, so it wouldn’t surprise me if Rachel writes a sequel.

I am also unsure of where to classify this book. It has notes of romance but there are a lot of other things too. Largely, I think this book is about self-discovery and finding freedom in that. Even though I didn’t enjoy this book too much, I would not be at a place to tell someone else to read it…or not to read it. It was an average novel for me.

I’d comfortably rate this 3/5 stars. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t any great stand-out novel for me either.