Watch Her by Edwin Hill

I found this book just browsing one day. I noticed it was a thriller, which is out of my norm and not a genre I have much experience in. The story line sounded good though, so I picked it up. Now, I think I like thriller novels.

As far as thriller novels go, I didn’t think it was super dark. I know some thrillers can scare people in a million different ways, but I don’t see this as one of those. Yes, it had its dark moments, but nothing extreme. It was the right amount to keep me on my toes and flipping pages. I felt like it was a perfect fit as I explore this new genre more and I’m so glad I found myself liking it.

Sometimes throughout the book, I had to think a bit on which character was doing what or what a certain character said or did in order to keep the story line straight, which I didn’t like. In my opinion, I think there were too many characters, particularly those that weren’t in the spotlight all the time and weren’t mentioned on every page or every other page. Two of the characters that come to mind were Libby Thomas and Naomi Dwyer. As I was able to continue piecing the characters and story line together, those two characters made a little more sense, but I like to read books where I don’t have to go back and forth to figure out the story or to be able to follow it smoothly.

Overall, I would say this book is really good, especially for those readers who want a “lighter” thriller novel.