The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah

In the newest release from renowned author, Kristin Hannah, we are taken back in history to experience some of the greatest cultural and historical occurrences throughout one of the most troubling times in America. At the beginning, we meet Elsa a lowly unwanted daughter with a quest to see something bigger. As time goes on, her adventure carries us through the unexpected, rejection and the hope of a new love and life.

Traveling through time with Elsa was an immense pleasure. Throughout the story, we are able to see aspects of her personality shine through, as well as glimpses of her past and how she came to be the person she is. Watching her meet Rafe, Tony and Rose for the first time, becoming a greater mentor to Lorenda and Ant and uniting, but through toughness, with Jack, we see Elsa grow and change into someone incredibly admirable.

Kristin Hannah has long been one of my favorites to read because of her captivating storyteller abilities and her crisp descriptors throughout each of her stories. In this newest addition to her catalog of books, it is apparent how much time and research she put into ensuring she had accurate depictions of a monumental time in history. She provides clear vision of what common people went through during the early 1920s through the Dust Bowl, the migration westward and through the Great Depression. Seeing the research that went into this book impressed me, as research is admirable in any historical story.

In reading The Four Winds, my expectations were high because of my previous experience reading Kristin’s books. I have to admit that she far outdid my expectations and I am already eagerly awaiting Kristin Hannah’s next novel.